KDU, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka

th August, 2024
Call for Full Papers / Extended Abstracts
13th IERC 2024 the aim of the conference is to provide an open forum for national and international researchers to disseminate their research findings and share ideas. The organizing commitee is pleased to invite researches from all around the globe to submit their research findings to be presented at the conference.
Full Papers/ Extended Abstracts Submission Deadline - 30th June 2024
Abstracts Submission Guidelines
Extended Abstract should be prepared appropriately and submitted electronically (MS word) and comply with the following specific guidelines will only qualify for the review process.
- Length: Maximum word limit 1500 words (Excluding Tables, figures and list of references).
- Paper size and orientation: A4, Portrait
- Margins: Abstracts must be in single spacing, font size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins: 1.5 inches (left) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom).
- File format: MS Word, name the attachment, “Last name of the first author _SLERC 2024
- Title:Written in upper case, font size 14, bold and centered
Author’s Information
- Name(s) of the author(s): Name of authors with initials are required.
- The corresponding* and presenting** authors have to be marked with asterisks marks.
- Affiliation of the author(s); For all authors, addresses(es) of the affiliated institute(s) and email addresses of each author are essentials.
- Those should be included with superscripts and just below the authors' list.
Content of the Abstract
Should consist of the
- Title
- Introduction with objectives
- Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion.
Tables and Figures
Figures, Images and Tables can be included if necessary.
Limit to 4-6 key references and follow the APA style.
Additional Instructions
- All abstracts should be professionally edited for language before submission.
- The conference committee reserves the right to submit abstracts to plagiarism detecting software or to take any other steps appropriate to identify plagiarism. The acceptable range of Similarity Index is up to 20 percent.
- Abstract submissions without these specifications will not be included in the conference program.
- At least one author of a research paper must be registered and attend the conference to publish the abstracts in the conference proceedings.
- All authors of the abstracts accepted for presentation are invited to submit a full paper and will be considered publishing in the Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research (SLJER). Abstracts are to be submitted to the portal given on the website and more details can be obtained from 13th SRI LANKA ECONOMIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE – 2024 – Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (kdu.ac.lk)
Conference Registration Details
Date |
Local |
International |
Participants |
Early Bird |
15 July |
4000 LKR |
40 USD |
3000 LKR |
Regular |
31 July |
5000 LKR |
50 USD |
3000 LKR |
Undergraduates |
Free |
30 USD |
Free |
Mount Lavinia Hotel
For more details, please contact the individuals listed below.