A Lecture on " English as a Lingua Franca and English Accents: Is There a Particular Accent We Should Learn or Use?" by Dr. Bimali Indrarathne
The eighth lecture of the Short Course on “Cultural Linkages towards an Asian Ideology” 2021/22 was delivered by Dr. Bimali Indrarathne on “English as a Lingua Franca and English Accents: Is There a Particular Accent We Should Learn or Use?” on 05th January 2022 from 1500 to 1635 via Zoom.
Dr. Bimali Indrarathne holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and a Master’s in TESOL, both from Lancaster University. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Peradeniya University and Master’s in Linguistics degree from Kelaniya University. She also holds Cambridge DELTA and CELTA.
Her main research interest is second language acquisition. She has also run several research and teacher training projects in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan on English language teaching materials designing, dyslexia and inclusive practices and English for Academic Purposes. She’s currently involved in a replication study under SLA for All? initiative and a project on event realization in Sinhala learners of English.
The course is organized for the second consecutive year by the Department of Social Sciences, FMSH under a research grant awarded by the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) in Japan and is held from October 2021 to February 2022 for a selected group of about 150 undergraduates representing all Faculties of KDU.