A Lecture on "Dynamics of Asian Security" by Dr. Harinda Vidanage

The ninth lecture of the Short Course on “Cultural Linkages towards an Asian Ideology” 2021/22 was delivered by Dr. Harinda Vidanage on “Dynamics of Asian Security” on 26th January 2022 from 1500 to 1635 via Zoom.

Dr. Vidanage graduated from the University of Colombo with first class honors in Political Science and gained his PhD from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Among his scholarly and academic achievements are the Senior Fulbright Award of Scholar in Residence and the Prestigious Overseas Research Scholarship awarded by the British Government, along with the Principals Scholarship awarded by the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Vidanage’s professional experience include appointments such as, Adviser of International Affairs to the Sri Lankan President, Consultant on international affairs to the Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Director at the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies and Assistant Professor of International Relations at St. Lawrence University in New York.

He specializes in the areas of International Security & Cyber Politics and has presented on various local and international academic and corporate forums on these themes. Dr. Vidanage is also frequently consulted by the Sri Lanka Army and Air force for academic advancement and international security related programs.

The course is organized for the second consecutive year by the Department of Social Sciences, FMSH under a research grant awarded by the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) in Japan and is held from October 2021 to February 2022 for a selected group of about 150 undergraduates representing all Faculties of KDU.