
As an emerging department with an interdisciplinary approach towards the field of Social Science research in Sri Lanka, our academic staff carry out both individual and group research in a number of disciplines. The department is dedicated to conduct research under five broad research themes with substantial focus on individual specializations; Economics & Management, Geography, Social Studies, Psychology and Media & Communication Studies. Details related to the research interests of the academic staff members are given below.

Staff Member

Broad Area of Research

Sub Disciplines

Recent research

Prof. P. HewagePopulation StudiesSexual and Reproductive Health Research, Family size and sex preference, Perception of induced abortion, Migration, Green Space in cities

Jayasinghe, D.B.C., G.P.T.S.Hemakumara, P. Hewage, People’s Use of Public and Private Green Spaces in a Residential Zone of Galle City, Sri Lanka,(2020) , 17th Academic sessions and the 16th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna.

Dr. LS LiyanageSocial WorkMental Health, Strengths-Based Practice, Ethnographic Research

Bailey, D. & Liyanage, L. (2012) The Role of the Mental Health Social Worker: Political Pawns in the Reconfiguration of Adult Health and Social Care. British Journal of Social Work 2012, 1-19 (Advance Access Published 18th June 2012).

Dr. Tamara JayasunderaEconomic DevelopmentGender Economics, Poverty Analysis, Labor economics, Education Economics, and Health Economics

Carnevale, A., T. Jayasundera, A. Gulish, and M. Van Der Werf. 2016. The Divided Recovery. Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (June 2016).

Dr. WMAGHA PremarathneEconomic DevelopmentInstitutions and Rural Development, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development, Tourism Sector Development

Premarathne, W.M.A.G.H.A., (2011). The Impact of Informal Institutions on Agricultural Production and Marketing: The Experience of Sri Lanka. 24th Annual Conference, The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies, 83-84.

Mr. HMN Herath

(On study leave)

Sociology of ReligionReligion and Politics, Buddhism and Politics in Sri LankaHerath, N. (2021). Reforms via Katikāvat: Dissension among Buddhist Monks in Sri Lanka over the Code of Conduct Bill. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 44(1), 52-70.
Dr. Darshana Ashoka KumaraCritical Media StudiesMedia Ethnography, Media Phenomenology, Communicative Inter-subjectivity, Public sphere, Development Communication, Cultural Studies.

Kumara, D.A. (2018). Contingent Axioms of Language: A Comparison between Nāgārjuna and Derrida. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ,1 (1), 1-13.

Kumara, D.A. (2021). Dānaya, Śuddha Tyāgaya Saha Visaṁyōjanaya (Almsgiving, Pure Gift and Deconstruction). Prathimana: Journal of The Department of Sociology of University of Ruhuna, 14(1), 1-11.

Kumara, D.A. (2021). Śrī Laṁkā Kāntā Dēśapālanayē Pravaṇatā Piḷiban̆da Visaṁyōjanātmaka Kiyævīmak. (A Deconstructive Reading of Trends in Sri Lankan Women’s Politics). Parliamenthu Sara Sanhitha Academic Journal of Sri Lanka Parliament. 2(2), 317-327

Ms. Manuri Pabasari Manike WalebodaMass communication 

Waleboda, M.P.M., Rodrigo, S.S., Dedduwage, C. (2023). A Literature Survey on Facebook Intrusion: Predictors and Effects . 16th International Research Conference (IRC-2023), General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. P36.

Ms. NAK WeerasingheBusiness ManagementStrategic Management, Leadership, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Development Studies

Weerasinghe, N.A.K., Bandara, U.G.H.C.Y., Wanaguru, D.S.J., Sandaruwan, M.G.A., Bandara, K.M.M.M., Abesinghe, S.P.T.C. (2023). Examining Patient Contentment with the Quality of Nursing Care in the Public Healthcare Sector. 16th International Research Conference (IRC-2023), General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.

Weerasinghe, N. A. K. (2023). Connecting Small Scale Entrepreneurs with Large Businesses; Different Lens of Sustainable Supply Chain Practices. Logistics Times – 2023, Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.