- Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka since 02.09.2020
- Senior Lecturer Grade I in the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University-Sri Lanka, since 20.05.2019
- Senior Lecturer Grade II in the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University- Sri Lanka, 05.2013 – 19.05.2019
- Visiting Lecturer – National Defence College – Sri Lanka since January 2023
- Visiting Lecturer – Master of Social Work programme, National Institute of Social Development-Sri Lanka, since January 2019
- Visiting Lecturer – Army School of Logistics-Sri Lanka since 2017
- Visiting Lecturer – Department of Philosophy and Psychology, University of Kelaniya-Sri Lanka, 2014-2016
- Visiting Lecturer – Junior Naval and Staff College(JNSC)-Sri Lanka, since 2015
- Visiting Lecturer – Sri Lanka Air- Force Academy China Bay-Sri Lanka, since 2015
- Visiting Lecturer – Sri Lanka Foundation from 2004-2006 and from 2012 – 2014
- Visiting Lecturer – Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University-Sri Lanka, since 2014
- Visiting Lecturer – Defence Services Command and Staff College-Sri Lanka, since 2013
- Lecturer Grade I – National Institute of Social Development-Sri Lanka, from 15.02.2012 – 19.05.2013
- Lecturer Grade II – National Institute of Social Development-Sri Lanka, from 15.01.2002 – 14.02.2012
- Resource person – Master of Social Work Programme – Department of Social Work, Durham University-UK, from 2007-2008
- Seminar Leader – Combined Honours Programme, Durham University-UK, 2008-2009
- Seminar Leader – Department of Sociology, Durham University-UK, 2008-2009
- Psychiatric Social Work consultant for the National Institute of Mental Health Sri Lanka 2013-2014 – Programme funded by the Asia Foundation
- Member of the Sri Lanka Policy Framework Committee for Senior Citizens – 2015
- Member of the Sri Lanka Policy Framework Committee for Family Policy – 2015
- Chairperson – Ethics Review Committee (non-medical) of KDU since February 2021
- Head, Department of Social Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka from September 2014-September 2017
- Student counsellor at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2013
- Course coordinator – MSc in Disaster Risk Reduction and Development, Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2016
- Member – Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2018
- Member – Board of Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2018
- Member – Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Faculty of Management Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2014
- Co-Editor of the KDU Newsletter, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- Member – Ethics Review Committee, BoS on Management, Social Sciences and Law/ Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, since 2017
- Editorial Board Member, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka
- Senate Committee member KDU from 2014-2017 and from 09.2020 up to date
- Procurement Advisory Committee member – General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, – 2016 to 2017
- President – Advisory Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2017-2018
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Social Work, National Institute of Social Development, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka – 2011-2013
- Member of the Subject Benchmark preparation team for Social Work in 2011-2013
- Thesis Examiner/Evaluator/Viva Panel Member/Paper Moderator/Journal Reviewer
- Reviewer – British Journal of Social Work
- Reviewer – Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences
- PhD thesis examiner – Periyar Maniammai University, India
- PhD thesis examiner – Bharathidasan University, India
- PhD thesis examiner – Cauvery College for Women, Tamil Nadu, India
- PhD thesis examiner – Bharathiyar University, India
- Field Work Supervisor – Federation University Melbourne, Australia
- Module Evaluator for BSc in Psychology and BSc in Educational Psychology – Open University of Sri Lanka
- Paper moderator BSc in Psychology and BSc in Educational Psychology – Open University of Sri Lanka
- MSc thesis Examiner – University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
- MSW supervisor, thesis examiner, Field Work Supervisor, National Institute of Social Development, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
- Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, KDU-BSc, MSc examiner
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU-BSc Research supervisor & Visiting Lecturer
- Faculty of Graduate Studies – KDU, – MSc and PhD Thesis examiner and evaluator
KDU Affiliated Institutions
- National Defence College, Sri Lanka
- Defence Services Command and Staff College – Sapugaskanda, Sri Lanka – supervisor and viva panel member
- Army Logistics School, Sri Lanka – supervisor and dissertation examiner
- Junior Naval & Staff Course, Sri Lanka – supervisor and dissertation examiner
- Junior Command & Staff Course, Sri Lanka – supervisor and dissertation examiner
- Army Cantonment Panagoda, Sri Lanka – Officers’ Training
- Officer Career Development Centre Buttala, Sri Lanka – Seminar Sessions
- Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps – Officers’ Training
- Colombo Municipal Council, Sri Lanka – Staff Training
Other Academic Experience
Resource person in the following programmes / workshops.
Staff Development Centre
- Staff Development Programme at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, SINCE 2015 (presentations related to Stress Management, Time Management and Psychological Counselling).
- Student Orientation Programmes of Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Management Social Sciences and Humanities of KDU (presentations related to Adjusting to University Culture, Culture Shock, Psychosocial wellbeing, psychological counselling, mentoring. effective learning, stress management etc.)
- Presentations in the Leadership Trainings (for undergraduates of KDU and other external organizations) conducted by the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies since 2014
Interfaculty Teaching
- Faculty of Criminal Justice, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, 2023 – Module ‘Social Psychology’
- Faculty of Graduate Studies, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2017-2022 – Module ‘Psychology and Counselling’ in MSc in Management
- Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU 2017-2022 – Qualitative Research in the Research Methodology module in MBA Logistic Management
- Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU 2014 – 2015. Module ‘Critical Thinking’ in MSc in Management
- Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU 2014 – 2015 – Module ‘Research Methodology’ for MSc in Defence and Strategic Studies
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU from 2013-2019 – Module ‘Sociology and Anthropology’ for Nursing, Pharmacy, Radiography, Radiology and Physiotherapy students
- Faculty of Engineering, KDU from 2016-2022 – Module on ‘Psychology for Engineers’ for students from all the specializations
Introduction of new courses/new degree programs
- MSc in Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
From the initial discussions with York University, signing the MoU, development of curriculum and launching the programme, I worked as the coordinator of this programme. Now it is the 4th batch of students in this programme
- Counselling Courses/Workshops
I have organized three workshops on Psychological Counselling to internal and external participants. In 2018, I organized a certificate level training for student counselors from all the faculties of KDU. More than twenty student counselors were trained in this with the support from an external resource person.
As the President – Advisory Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, Kotelawala Defence University – 2017-2019, around 10 workshops/trainings were conducted to do a risk assessment of KDU (Ratmalana, Werahara and Sooriyawewa). Risk Assessment is completed in 2019 and with the support of Disaster Management Centre, now I’m in the process of developing the Disaster Profile for KDU.
Curriculum Planning and Revision – KDU
- Coordinator of the curriculum revision of the BSc in Social Sciences degree programme, KDU-2021
- MSc in Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
- Counselling and Psychology module for MSc in Management, FGS KDU
- Critical Thinking module for MSc in Management, FGS KDU
- Research Methodology module for MBA Logistics Management, FGS KDU
- Basic Psychology module for BSc in Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, KDU
- Counselling and Basic Psychology module for BSc in Management and Technical Sciences, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, KDU
- ‘Psychology for Engineers’ module for BSc in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KDU
- ‘Industrial and Organizational Psychology’ module for BSc in Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, KDU
- Sociology and Anthropology module for Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, KDU
- Curriculum Planning and Revision – KDU Affiliated Institutions
- Member of the Curriculum Revision Committee from KDU for Senior Staff College and chaired the development of Management Module.
- Psychology module for Military Academy, Diyathalawa, Sri Lanka
- Research Methodology module for Junior Naval and Staff Course, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
- Extended Essay Guidelines for Junior Naval and Staff Course, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka