- MSc in Business and Organizational Psychology, Merit Pass, University of Northampton, United Kingdom (2022)
- B.A. in Mass Communication, First-Class honours, the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2015)
- Diploma in Journalism, Distinction Pass, University of Colombo (2014)
- Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing, Merit Pass, Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Marketing, Sri Lanka (2020)
- Professional Qualification in Human Resource Management (PQHRM), IPM, Sri Lanka (2016)
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Mass Communication
- Environmental Communication
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Digital Marketing
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Journal Articles
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2022). Deshiya Guwanwiduli Natyaye Parinaamiya Sadaka Pilibada Wigrahayak. Guwanwiduli Sameeksha, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 10(04), 31 – 42.
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2020). Loka Guwan Viduli Natyaye Parinamaya Ha Wardhanaya.Guwanwiduli Sameeksha, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 10(04), 31 – 42.
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2019). Sanwardhana Paniwida Janagatha Kirimehila Guwanwiduli Natyaye Shakyatha. Guwanwiduli Sameeksha, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 10(04), 193 – 203.
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2019). Muhunupothe Kawya Nirmana Saha Samaja Yatharthawadaya. Kawya Sameeksha, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 10(04), 349-357.
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2019). Guwanwiduli Natya ParinameeyaSadaka Pilibadha Wimarshanayak. Madya Sankathana, Ministry of Mass media, 10(04),119-128
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2019). Sanwardhana Sanniwedanaya Ha Guwanwiduli Nãtya. Colombo 10, Godage Publications. (https://godage.com/product/sanwardana-snniwedanaya-ha-guwanviduli-nattiya/)
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2019). Janashruthiya Hã Sanwardhana Sanniwedanaya. Colombo 10, Godage Publications. (https://godage.com/product/janasratiya-ha-sanwardana-sanniwedanaya/)
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2014). Game Kavi. Colombo 10, Godage Publications. ( https://godage.com/product/34048/)
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (2013). Samajeeya Web Jala Saha Prema Sabadatha. Colombo 10, Godage Publications. (http://www.godage.com/book–details/mass–communication/4895–smajeeya–web–jala–ha– prema–sabadatha.html)
Online Surveys
- Ranathunga, Dayanath., Kothalawala, Udeni., Waleboda,M.P.M.(2015). Online Survey on Sexual Behaviour – Joint Research of UNAIDS, Mitko and Infologix
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (Director), Abeykoon, Sasanka. (Co-director and the Editor). (2017). Zoo at Night (Introduction video). Sri Lanka: Department of Zoological Gardens
- Waleboda, M.P.M. (Director). Jayakodi, Sevvand. (Scriptwriter). Abeykoon, Sasanka. (Editing and Graphics). (2017). Official Video. Sri Lanka: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife
- Awards
- F. Kariyakarawana Gold Medal for the Best Project Report, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo
- Working Experience
Working Experience
- Lecturer (Probationary) in KDU-2023 April to present
- Head of Marketing in Aquinas College of Higher Studies (2022-2023)
- Team Coordinator, Marketing and Communications in Aquinas College of Higher Studies (2020-2021)
- Lecturer (Probationary) in Aquinas College of Higher Studies (2020-2023)
- Visiting lecturer at the University of Colombo, Faculty of Science
- Senior Media Officer in PAFFREL Organization (2019-2020)
- Media Officer (Senior Executive Level) in Berendina Group of Company (2018-2019)
- Media Secretary in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife (2017-2018)
- Communication Assistance United Nations AIDS Sri Lanka (2015-2016)
- Marketing Executive at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Cooperation (2014)
- Secretary of Samudaya Lanka Advertising Firm (2012-2014)
Media Experience
- Relief Announcer Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Since 2013)
- Radio Drama Artists Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Since 2014)
- News Presenter in Independent Television Network (ITN) (2019-2020)
- Radio Presenter in Lakhanda (2019-2020)
- Anchor in Capital Maharaja – Sirasa News First (2015 – 2016)
- Television Presenter at Pathikada political programme – Sirasa News First (2016)
- Free-lance Feature Writer – Upali News Papers (Pvt) Ltd. (Since 2014)
- Memberships
- Deputy Secretary of Executive Council Board, Sarvodaya Shanthi Sena
- Member of the Asian Friendship Society
- Honorary Director Chakra Media Organization
- Member of the Editorial Board at Desha Sri Lanka Police Magazine
- Other
International level- National Delegate, 29th Asian International Network Seminar, From 07th to 12th October 2019 in Bali, Indonesia
- Country Team Leader, 28th Asian International Network Seminar, From 05th to 10th October 2018 in Penang, Malaysia
- Youth Delegate, Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Myochikai held from 9th to 12th October 2010 in Mahukari Mess International Convention in Chiba city, Japan.
- Youth Delegate, Engaged Buddhist Festival of Peace and Social Transformation, International Network of Engage Buddhist (INEB) Conference from 10th to 17th of November 2009, Chiangmai Campus, Thailand.
- Youth Delegate, Traveling Peace Academy Training Programme on Moral Imagination International Training Workshop that was held on 14th August 2010 at Bandaragama in Sri Lanka. Organized by the United Religion Initiatives.
- Child Artist Participant, Asian Religion Workshop on substance abuse prevention from 21st to 25th of November 1994, Madras, India.