A Lecture on "Sri Lanka as seen by Japan" by Professor Hajime Tozaki

The seventh lecture of the Short Course on “Cultural Linkages towards an Asian Ideology” 2021/22 was delivered by Professor Hajime Tozaki on “Sri Lanka as seen by Japan” on 22nd December 2021 from 1500 to 1635 via Zoom. 

Professor Hajime Tozaki is a Professor at the Department of Airline Management at the J.F. Oberlin University in Japan as well as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Social Sciences of KDU. He holds a PhD of Economics, a M.A. of Economics and a B.A. of Economics from the Kyoto University in Japan, and has also studied at the Graduate School of Economic History at the Glasgow University in the United Kingdom. 

In addition to many years of experience in lecturing and research, Professor Tozaki has also served as an advisor on tourism for Sri Lanka, a counselor for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and currently holds several important advisory positions in Japan. Professor Tozaki has also been instrumental in KDU receiving a grant from the Eurasia Foundation to conduct this course. 

The course is organized for the second consecutive year by the Department of Social Sciences, FMSH under a research grant awarded by the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) in Japan and is held from October 2021 to February 2022 for a selected group of about 150 undergraduates representing all Faculties of KDU.