Briefing by Vice Chancellor for Students Participating in Study Tour to Japan Under Sakura Science Exchange Program

Eight students of the Department of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities of KDU have been selected for a Study Tour to Japan under the International Youth Exchange Programme (Sakura Science Programme) funded by the Japanese Government. These students will be hosted by J.F. Oberlin University, Japan and will take part in the tour in September 2022.

The pre-departure briefing for the study tour took place with the participation of the Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc on the 17th of June 2022 from 1000 hours to 1100 hours at the Vice Chancellor’s Conference Room. Further, the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (FMSH), the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, Course Coordinator and Senior Lecturer Dr. Hemantha Premarathne, Senior Lecturer Dr. Tamara Jayasundera and the Project Staff graced the occasion. The day’s events were coordinated by Dr. Hemantha Premarathne, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences of KDU.

Mr. Kithsiri Amaratunga, the Dean (FMSH) opened the forum by addressing the gathering, welcoming them, and providing an encouraging introduction to the programme. The agenda for the day then followed with the students screening a video of the programme and providing an introduction to themselves and what they hope to gain from and contribute to this tour.

The Vice Chancellor then addressed the students and engaged in a discussion, sharing his vast experiences and knowledge while inspiring and motivating them to use this valuable opportunity as a platform to unleash their true potential. He further, adviced the students on the importance of international relations, understanding and respecting Japanese culture and developing and maintaining bonds between Japan and Sri Lanka. In addition, the Vice Chancellor motivated the students to uphold the standards of KDU while making this study tour an opportunity to serve Sri Lanka at this crucial time. The day then came to a close with the Vice Chancellor’s best wishes for the students taking part in the programme.