Second Workshop of the Project on “Promoting Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and Responsible Use of Media”
The second workshop of the project: “Promoting Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and Responsible Use of Media”, was held on 29th of March 2021 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU.
Over hundred and fifty (150) undergraduates, representing various faculties such as the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities; Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies; and Faculty of Law that included students reading for BSc in Social Sciences, BSc in Logistics Management, BSc in Management and Technical Sciences, BSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations; and LLB degree programmes joined the workshop both physically and online. The workshop was comprised of 03 sessions and they were conducted both physically and virtually. The sessions of the workshops were as follows:
1.Session on “Non-Violent Communication” conducted by Ms. Ramanusha Poopalaratnem from the Centre for Communication Training and Ms. Wimarshana Ranasinghe from Sarvodaya Movement of Sri Lanka.
2.Session on “Responsible Use of Media” conducted by Brigadier Chandana Wickramasinghe RWP RSP psc MA (IR) – Assistant Military Secretary of the Sri Lanka Army.
3.Session on “Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Media conducted by Dr. Lakshika Liyanage, Director of the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality of KDU.
The workshop was organized by the Department of Social Sciences in the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities and is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with funding from the European Union. The project includes a series of workshops along with other activities such as the establishment of a Centre for Media Studies and the development of an academic programme on Media and Communication Studies.