- Ph.D in Geography, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 1999
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Demography, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK, 1996
- M.Sc. , London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK, -1985
- M.A., University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1986
- B.A.(Hons.), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1980

Prof. P. Hewage
Ph.D (Ruhuna) , M.Sc. (University of London), M.A. (University of Colombo), Postgraduate Diploma (University of London), BA (Hons) University of Colombo
Senior Professor
- Educational Qualifications
Educational Qualifications
- Working Experience
Working Experience
1. Academic and Administrative Positions held:
Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna 2011 -2014 Head Department of Geography, University of Ruhuna, 1993 – 1996
2005 – 2008
2017 – 2020Director Career Guidance Unit, University of Ruhuna 2002 – 2008 Chairman Board of Study, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna 2016 – 2022 Co-Controlling Chief Examiner G.C.E. (A/L) Examination, Geography, Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. 2020, 2021 Visiting Professor Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya. 2008 – 2010 Secretary Sri Lanka Association of Geographers 1996- 1998 Secretary Population Association of Sri Lanka 2002- 2004 Evaluator CVCD Excellence Awards 2019, 2020 Reviewer Report of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Uma Oya Multi-Purpose Development Project 2017 Member By-law committee, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna 2017 Advisor Natural Disaster Information Center, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna. 2017 Subject Reviewer Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya. 2012 Subject Reviewer Department of Geography, University of Colombo. 2014 Subject Reviewer Department of Demography, University of Colombo. 2014 Programme Reviewer Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo 2017 Programme Reviewer Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna 2017 Examiner PhD thesis of Assessing Smallholder Farmers’ Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Sri Lanka: Towards a Sustainable Livelihood Framework, Deakin University, Australia, Ms. WVN. Fernando. 2021 Examiner PhD thesis of Morphology of Kandy City, An Investigation of Evolutionary Process of Growth, University of Colombo, Ms.RMJ Uduporuwa. 2019 Examiner PhD thesis of Development of Landslides Disaster Risk Index based on A Geo Spatial Analysis, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Mr. ENC Perera. 2019 Examiner PhD thesis of the Threat on Ritigala Bio Diversity, University of Colombo, Mr. SH Perera. 2018 Examiner MA thesis of the Impact of War on Tourism based Economy, University of Ruhuna, Mr. P. Vivekananthan. 2013 Examiner MA thesis of the Problems arising in the Rural Development of Monaragala District, University of Colombo, Mr. KT Nimal Shantha. 2002 Examiner MPhil thesis of a Quantitative Analysis of Rural Transport Problems, University of Colombo, Mr. RN Gunathilake. 2001 Examiner MPhil thesis of Human Impact on Environmental Balance in Wetland Systems in Sri Lanka, University of Colombo, Mr. DM Karunadaa. 2003 UGC Nominee Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Dr. K. Nageswaran. 2014 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Demography, University of Colombo, Dr. (Mrs.) S. Ukwatta 2016 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Professor of Demography, Department of Demography, University of Colombo, Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake. 2018 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Professor of Geography, Department of Geography, University of Colombo, Prof. Lasantha Manawadu. 2018 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Dr. KVDE Menike. 2019 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Dr. KPL Nishantha. 2019 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in Department of Demography, University of Colombo, Dr. ELSJ Perera. 2019 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in Department of Estate Management and Valuation, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, Dr. (Mrs.) NC. Wickramarachchi. 2020 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Professor in Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, Associate Professor Dr. RMK Ratnayake. 2015 Examiner Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, Dr. TWMTW Bandara. 2019 UGC Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, Dr. (Mrs.) TMSPK Tennakoon. 2020 Senate Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Prof. RKLM Dharmasiri 2016 Senate Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of Geography, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Dr. MIM kaleel. 2016 Senate Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, Dr. KWG Rekha Niyanthi. 2017 Senate Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Senior Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Prof. RKLM Dharmasiri 2019 Senate Nominee Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Jaffna, Dr. K. Suthakar. 2020 Senate Nominee Evaluation for the Promotion to the Post of Senior Lecturer Grade II in the Department of Geography, University of Colombo, Mr. YA Karunarathna. 2018 Consultant Reviewer Study Programme of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya. 2009 Consultant Researcher Substantive analysis and recommendations on the issues emerged in the post tsunami people’s consultation and identification of vulnerable communities, University of Colombo 2005 Visiting Lecturer Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya 2010, 2015 – 2021 Visiting Lecturer Postgraduate Diploma Course in Development Planning, University of Ruhuna, 2010 Visiting Lecturer Masters Degree Programme in Conflict, Peace and Development Studies, University of Ruhuna, 2015 Visiting Lecturer Masters Degree Programme in Conflict, Peace and Development Studies, Tribhuwan University, Nepal. 2011 Visiting Lecturer MSc in Geoinformatics, Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo. 2010, 2016 Evaluator Development oriented Research Project Proposal, AHEAD Project, Ministry of Education and Higher Education. 2018 Evaluator Faculty and Department Level Proposals Enriching Learning, Teaching and Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement, AHEAD Project, Ministry of Education and Higher Education. 2019 Programme Reviewer Faculty of Music, University of Visual and Performing Arts. 2018 Programme Reviewer Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 2018 Member Review Panel: Institutional Review, University of Colombo. 2016 Member Review Panel: Institutional Review, University of Peradeniya. 2016 Member Review Panel: Institutional Review, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. 2019 Member Report Writing Committee: Institutional Review, University of Ruhuna. 2018 Chairman 17th Academic Sessions and 16th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna 2019 Committee Member Selection Committee for the Promotion to the Post of Emeritus Professor in the Department of Community Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Prof. (Mrs.) KDCE Liyanage. 2020 Reviewer 2nd International Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities, National Centre for Advanced Studies, UGC. 2019 Invited Speaker 2nd International Conference on Humanities, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains, Malaysia 2017 Invited Speaker “Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami”, Department of Geography, Durham University, UK 2006 Chief Editor “Rohana”, Research Journal, University of Ruhuna. 2019 – 2021 Member Research Advisory Committee, Central Environmental Authority, Sri Lanka 2015 Reviewer NSF Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences 2017-2021 Coordinator, Department of Geography Distance and Continuous Education Unit, University of Ruhuna 2015 -2021 2. Postgraduate Supervision:
Thesis Supervisor “Ecological conservation challenges in the context of development discourse”, MA in Conflict Peace and Development Studies, Ms. PGHT Madushani. 2016 Thesis Supervisor Social Impact of Planned Settlements on Rural Areas”, MA in Geography, Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Ms. JMND Siriwardane. 2010 Thesis Co. Supervisor PhD, Department of Geography, University of Ruhuna, Ms. D.B.C. Jayasinghe On going 3. Professional Training:
Programme Institution Year World-wide research initiative on induced abortion (workshop) World Health Organization, Mexico City 1989 Epi-Info: computer software programme Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo 1993 Research on induced abortion Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo 1994 Training on Geographical Information Systems Department of Geography, University of Colombo 1996 Workshop on migration Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya 1996 Training on population studies Demographic Training & Research Unit, University of Colombo 1996 Workshop on population and employment Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardenepura 1996 Training programme on quantitative research methods in population studies Mahidol University, Thailand 1996 Short course on reproductive health research London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London 1998 Radio talks, TV appearances and Newspaper output
SiluminaThe applicant has participated in several programmes between 1983-84 .
Programme title Service Date/Year “Educational reforms and graduate employment” Young Asia Television for Sri Lanka Rupawahini Corporation September 20th 2005 Self employment” produced by Celiynco Company Independent Television Network December 2nd 2004 “University education” “Subharathi” on Welanda Sewaya, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation June 13th, 2004 “Perspectives of health professionals on abortion Daily News April 9th and 10th 1997 “Reducing baby deaths by family planning” Daily News February 5th 1986 “Female migration to the Middle East” Vidusara April 28th, 1993 “Abortion among unmarried women” Vidusara August 26th, 1992 “Preventing induced abortion” Silumina June 21st, 2000 “Sri Lanka and coastal erosion” Lakbima August 3rd, 1997 “Road accidents and corporation of the public” Dinamina May 27th 1986 “Sex preference” DVidusara DSeptember 28th, 1992 “Management of mineral resources” Dinamina January 14th, 1998 “Indian constitution and ethnic conflict” Dinamina March 25th, 1997 “Geography” DAugust 20th, 2000 “Child trafficking and social problems” Silumina March 29th, 1987 “Cultural conflicts and Indian model” Dinamina March 24th, 1997 “Industrialization and mineral resources” Dinamina September 18th, 1981 “Public transport service” Dinamina February 20th, 1986 “Ruhuna Sarasaviya” Ruhunu Sewaya, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation - Research & Publications
Research & Publications
Presentations of abstracts
- Hewage, P (1987) “ Comparability of World Fertility Survey and Contraceptive Prevalence Survey data pertaining to contraceptive use in Sri Lanka”, the Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Hewage, P and K Ratnayake (1987) “ Some preliminary observation on the changing patterns of family size an sex preference among three generations of people”, the Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Hewage, P and S W Amarasinghe (1993) “Knowledge and attitudes of health professional on induced abortion in Sri Lanka, “the Annual Sessions of Galle Medical Association.
- Hewage, P (1994) “Induced abortion in Sri Lanka, “the Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Hewage, P (1995) “Legalizing induced abortion: Needs and perspectives, “the Abortion Workshop held in Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Hewage, P (2004) “Validity of Various Data Sources on Induced Abortion and the Opinions of Reproductive Health Professionals” the Leonard Woolf Memorial International Conference,, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
National Conferences- Jayasinghe, D.B.C., G.P.T.S.Hemakumara, P. Hewage, People’s Use of Public and Private Green Spaces in a Residential Zone of Galle City, Sri Lanka,(2020) , 17th Academic sessions and the 16th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna.
- Hewage, P., J.A.T. Madhushani,R.D.K. Wickkramasinghe (2019) Socio-economic Changes of Tea Small Holding Communities: A Case Study of Mawarala GN Division, Matara District, Sri Lanka , 17th Academic sessions and the 16th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna.
International Conferences - Fernando, P.W.S & Hewage, P (2017) Employment Adaptation Satisfaction and Related Professional Issues in the Green Industry: A Study Based On Hirdramini Mihila Apparel Industry In Mathugama, 3rd International conference of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna (RUICHSS).
- Jayasinghe, C., Hemakumara, G. P. T. S. and Hewage. P. (2018) GIS Based Assessment ofthe Urban Green Space Per-Capita in Galle City, Sri Lanka. International Research Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities (IRSSSH-2018) organized by the National Centre for Advanced Studies, Colombo on 13-14 December 2018.
- Jayasinghe, D. B. C., Hemakumara, G. P. T. S. and Hewage, P. (2018) Measuring the Suitability of Urban Residential Zones in Galle City: A GIS Analysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on „Cities, People and Places‟ – ICCPP – University of Moratuwa on 05-06 October, 2018.
- Hewage. P, and Dharmasena. J.A.D.I.(2019).Tourism Development potential in Sri Lanka: Opportunities and Challenges. The 2nd Postgraduate international conference on Humanities, School of Humanities, University Sains Malaysia, 30 & 31 October 2019
- Hemakumara,G.P.T.S, Hewage. P, Samudrika. S., Sugathapala K, Munasinghe D, Kumarasiri C, & Aththanayaka A.M.N.D.(2019). Field Verifications of the ARC GIS based Automation Landform Model including the Recommendations to Enhance the Automation System with Ground Reality, 10th Annual research Symposium of NBRO on 17th and 18th , December,2019
- Fernando.P.W.S. and, Hewage.P., Human intervention affecting the degradation of floral diversity of freshwater swamp forests in Sri Lanka: Preliminary study of Walawuwaththe Wathurana freshwater swamp forest, International Research Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities (IRSSSH-2020) organized by the National Centre for Advanced Studies, Colombo on 22-23 January 2021.
Publications as Journal Articles- Hewage, P (1998) “Perspectives of health professionals on induced abortion in Sri Lanka” Abortion in the Developing World: Finding from WHO Case Studies, Sage and Zed Publishers.
- Hewage, P (1998), “Sustainable development, migration and urbanization”, Viswaya, Journal of Geographical Society, University of Ruhuna.
- Hewage, P 9998), “ A son or a daughter? How sex preference influences desired family size, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Ruhuna.
- Hewage, P (2000) “ The profile of abortion seekers and reasons for having induced abortion in Sri Lanka” Working Paper, Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human reproduction, World Health Organization.
- Hewage, P (2000), “Transport problems and solutions in Matara town”, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Ruhuna.
- Hewage, P, Chaminda Kumara and Jonathan Rigg, (2010) “Connecting and Disconnecting People and Places: Migrants, Migration, and the Household in Sri Lanka”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers.
- Jayasinghe D.B.C, Hemakumara, G.P.T.S, Hewage, P,(2019). GIS Based Assessment of the Green Space Per Capita in the City of Galle, Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Journal of Advanced social studies, National centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social sciences, volume 7 &8,Number 1 & 2 2017-2018, ISSN 2012-9149.
- Jayasinghe .B.C.,Hemakumara G.P.T.S., Hewage P. (2021),Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing the Extent of Residential Green Spaces in Galle City, Sri Lanka , International Journal of E- Planning Research (IJEPR), volume10(1).
- Hewage, P., Hemakumara, G., Pannilage, U., & Herath, N. (2022). Influence of Gender Difference on the Factors Associated with Successful Aging: The Case of Sri Lanka. Journal of Asian Geography, 1(1), 1-6.
International Book Chapters - Fernando. P.W.S, Hemakumara. G.P.T.S, and Hewage. P, (2019), implementing the concept of Green space: the case of Hirdarmani Mihila CKT Apparel factory in Agalawatte, Sri Lanka, Green Behavior and corporate social responsibility in Asia, Emerald publishing Limited, UK, 65-76, ISBN 978-1-78756-684-9.
Book Reviews - Hewage, P., (2020). Sexual and Reproductive Health Research in Sri Lanka: Current Status, Challenges and Directions (2010-2019). Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 43(2), pp.113–115. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljss.v43i2.8269
Magazine Articles - G.P.T.S. Hemakumara, N. K. G. Harshani and P. Hewage, (2020) Spatial evaluation on the effects of extreme weather conditions on smallholder tea cultivation in Galle, The Climate Change Magazine of Sri Lanka, Vol.III December 2020.
Monographs - Hewage, P., Team Member, (2005), The Report on People’s Consultations on Post Tsunami Relief, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka, United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Editorial Works - Hewage, P (Chielf Editor), “Rohana”, Research Journal of the University of Ruhuna, Vol. 10 (2018), Vol. 11 (2019), Vol.12 (2020), Vol. 13 (2021)
- Awards/Scholarships
Scholarships and Training Grants:
GRANT INSTITUTION PURPOSE YEAR Research Training Grant WHO, Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction to study in UK 1984-85 Fellowship Grant WHO, Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction to attend abortion workshop in Mexico 1989 Fellowship Grant UNFPA to attend the training programme on quantitative research methods in population studies, Mahidol University, Thailand 1998 Fellowship Grant UNFPA to attend the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive Health and Research, Thailand 2003 Research Grants:
Research Grant WHO, Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction to study “the Experience of married women on induced abortion in Sri Lanka” 1998-2000 Research Grant WHO, Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction to study “the Perspectives of health professional on induced abortion in Sri Lanka” 1991-93 - Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
At Postgraduate and Undergraduate Levels
- Cartography
- Transport Geography
- Population Geography
- Medical Geography
- Reproductive Health
- Research methodology
- Globalization
- Career Guidance
- Academic Promotions
- Memberships, Fellowships, and Affiliations
Memberships, Fellowships, and Affiliations
- Population Association of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Association of Geographers
- Institute of Cartographers, Sri Lanka
- Population Association of America
- Ruhuna Task Force on Reproductive Health Research, University of Ruhuna.
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)