Pre-Sessional English Language and Research Methodology Programme 2023 for DSCSC and LSC Students

The Department of Languages and the Department of Strategic Studies conducted the Pre-Sessional English Language and Research Methodology Programme for DSCSC (Course No. 18) and LSC (Course No.10) from 16th October 2023 to 30th November 2023 at KDU. The Programme consisted of English for Academic Purposes and a series of lectures on research methodology to enhance the military officers’ knowledge and skills required to continue reading their Master’s degree. Considering the nature of study and the academic and professional challenges that the military officers face, it has become evident that enhancing their English language and research skills, prior to commencing their Master’s degree is paramount.

This year 157 military student officers received certificates for the successful completion of the Programme at the Closing Ceremony held on 07th December at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Brigadier Chinthaka Wickramasignha, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence and Administration) graced the event as the Chief Guest and addressed the student officers who succeeded in the programme. Colonel Udesh Ratnayake, Dean of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, Major Wimansha Abeywickrama, Head of the Department of Languages, Dr. Sanath De Silva, Head of the Department of Strategic Studies, Lt Col Janaka Manikachchi and Ms. Chamila Kothalawala, the course coordinators, lecturers of the Department of Languages and the Department of Strategic Studies and directing staff of DSCSC and LSC were among the distinguished guests.