Department of Management and Finance | FMSH, KDU KDU Department of Management and Finance Seeks Tri-Forces Input for Curriculum Revision – Department Service Consultative Board 2024

KDU Department of Management and Finance Seeks Tri-Forces Input for Curriculum Revision – Department Service Consultative Board 2024

The Department of Management and Finance at KDU is currently revising its curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Management and Technical Sciences and Bachelor of Science in Logistics Management programs.

A Department Service Consultative Board meeting was held on 21st March 2024 at the Board Room at the FDSS, to gather valuable insights from representatives of the Sri Lankan Army, Navy, and Air Force (Tri-Forces) with the presence of Brigadier Nazeer Majeed , Commander Lasitha Wickremadingh  & Wing Commander CN Jayasuriya. The Department of Management and Finance was represented by the Head of the Department, Dr.UG Rajapaksha, Senior academia namely Ms. ID Wathuhewa, Prof. MPN Janadari, Dr. Namali Sirisoma, Ms. DD Lokuge, Dr. AHS Sharic and academia.

Focus on Officer Cadets’ Needs

The program revision prioritized the needs of officer cadets, considered the “mushroom level” and the foundation of KDU’s strength. The department aimed to groom these future leaders with a well-rounded education that prepares them for successful military careers.

Alignment with Military Objectives

Collaboration with the Tri-Forces ensured the curriculum aligns with the military’s intended learning outcomes and service requirements. This included streamlining the programs to better reflect the objectives of each service and the evolving nature of modern warfare.

Building on Past Success

The department acknowledged the rising degree performance levels and seeks to capitalize on this success. The Service Consultative Board fostered collaboration, connecting with KDU’s vision of producing competent and professional officers for the Tri-Forces.

Modernizing for a Dynamic World

The curriculum revision incorporated valuable technical, application-based, and conceptual insights from the Tri-Forces. This ensured the programs remain relevant and prepare graduates for the ever-changing demands of the globalized military landscape.

Looking Forward

The Department Head, Dr. Upali Rajapaksa, spear- headed the Department Service Consultative Board discussions. The department anticipated a productive and stimulating exchange of ideas that will ultimately strengthen the existing curriculum.