Knowledge Sharing Sessions 6

The Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (FMSH) introduced the concept of conducting Knowledge Sharing Sessions (KSS) for the purpose of providing a platform for sharing knowledge and experience among the faculty members. The seventh KSS was held on 18 October 2023 at the faculty premises. Dr. JMW Premarathne shared his thoughts on ‘Ins and Outs of Inflation’. Dr. Premarathne delivered a comprehensive explanation of this economic concept.  Participants left with a deeper appreciation of how inflation was measured, its various causes, and the impact it had on investments, economies, and individuals. At the end of her presentation, the participants engaged themselves in a Q & A session. Dean FMSH, Dr L Liyanage expressed her thanks to Dr. Premarathne for his presentation and to Dr. Sharic for organizing the event.