The Launch of “Logistics Times” magazine, 2020

The launch of the fifth Edition of the “Logistics Times” magazine; issued by the Department of Management and Finance, took place on 31st December 2020 with the graceful presence of the Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda PeirisRWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil (Ind) and the members of the Advisory Committee; Dean, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, Mr Kithsiri Amaratunga, Director Career Guidance, Dr Namali Sirisoma, Head of Department, Dr Upali Rajapaksha, Lecturer-In-Charge, Dr Kalpana Ambepitiya were present and representing the Executive Committee of the Technical Sciences and Management Society (TSMS) for the year 2019/20, President Chamidu Nawaruwan and Chief Editor Natasha Jansen too attended the function. This marked, yet another, successful event in the TSMS and the University history, bringing glory and pride to all its students. Marching towards one’s goals, despite all difficulties, these undergraduates proved their determination and capabilities, once again leading KDU to shine bright. The “Logistics Times” magazine – 2020 mainly focuses on the impact of COVID 19 in Integrated Logistics.