The 11th Knowledge Sharing Session of FMSH


The Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (FMSH) conducts Knowledge Sharing Sessions (KSS) for the purpose of providing a platform for sharing knowledge and experience among the faculty members. The eleventh KSS was held on 26 March 2024 at the faculty premises. Ms. DDL Willarachchi (Senior Lecturer, Department of Languages, FMSH) shared her thoughts on ‘Life in a lyric: Poetry as an emotional egress’. Ms. Willarachchi presented how songs and poems could be used as a mechanism for dealing with difficult emotions or emotionally challenging situations.  At the end of her presentation, the participants engaged themselves in a Q & A session. The Dean FMSH, Dr LS Liyanage expressed her thanks to Ms. Willarachchi for her presentation and to Dr. Sharic for organizing the event.