FMSH Students Shine at KDU Colours Night



KDU Colours Night for the year 2018/19 was held on the 28th of February, 2020 at the Auditorium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, with the participation of the Vice Chancellor, Major General Milinda Peiris as the Chief Guest. Upon completion of the event, it was revealed that most of the colours recipients for the years 2018 and 2019 were from the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (FMSH). Overall, 39.2% of the colours recipients of the entire university was from FMSH including the Fittest Officer Cadet for the year 2018 (Officer Cadet TIU Mendis) and the Fittest Lady Officer Cadet for the year 2019 (Officer Cadet PD Dharmasiri).

The Dean of the faculty Dr. Namali Sirisoma with all the faculty members congratulate all the colours recipients of FMSH for their excellent achievements in sports.

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